Letter from a Player

Regional Master. A Bridge partnership is like a dance pair
February, 2020
By Dom Mancini

So it's taken 5 years to get here and that probably doesn't sound all that impressive. But you asked for my story and I will tell it.

Forgive me for stating the obvious but Bridge is a team game. Not like a team sport, where the whole equals the sum of the parts and Le Bron with four guys off the street can win a basketball game. A Bridge partnership is like a dance pair. A single entity that moves in tandem. Thinks as one. When it's done right, a player can "feel" their partners hand and next bid or play on defense.

I was very fortunate 5 years ago to find someone I could tell from go would be right for me. We met at a supervised play session. Neither of us knew much about the game or had played in even a club game. But we had good mathematical skills and card sense. I asked her to be my partner in a Newplicate game that starting a 10 week run soon at a local club.

So that's where we started. Grew and learned together and at the same pace. 90% of those 100 points have been earned with that one partner and my/our Bridge experience would not be nearly as joyous without doing it together. It was the start of what we know now will be a lifelong friendship and partnership.

We played way above our level in an open game for about a 1 1/2 years receiving almost NO points in that time but learned a lot from generous players who encouraged us and enjoyed helping newer players like us to become better players. We are grateful to them and the experience.

Five years is a long time to get to to 100 points but I should point out that we both worked full time during the entire period and could only play at night. There aren't many night games in our area (none at the moment) and we have to travel a good distance in awful rush hour traffic to play in a 499 game. Life gets in the way sometimes and we average less than one session per week. We get to as many sectionals as we can and an occasional regional if it's not too far. In short– – we are not "accumulators". We know a lot of players that play 4 or more times a week. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I wish I had the time to play more.

So that's my story, you can share it if you like. Don't know if it will be an inspiration to others but my advice to new players is to find a partner you are compatible with in theory and personality, someone you like and trust. The game will be a pleasure if you do. . .

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