When I was a young lady i had a boyfriend who was a bridge player. I had taken a few bridge lessons and he took me to my first Duplicate Bridge Game in Schenectady where Norma Shelly and Gene Leary were the directors. I played bridge on my lunch hour for many years with co workers and when i retired I began to play a 'lot' of bridge at the local bridge clubs.
I have been partners for many years with Maureen Neal who taught me a lot about the game. Thanks to Maureen, I play a competitive bridge game. I joined the ACBL and earned a few master points here and there and then when BBO went on line, I earned quite a few master points in those games.
I have played in some regional tournaments but it wasn't until a few years ago, I went to Cleveland and played in a regional tournament. A couple and a young man needed a fourth for their team and they asked me to play. My partner was a terrific bridge player and we won and earned 12 gold points which brought me very close to becoming a 'life master'. Shortly after that, I played in a couple more regional tournaments and earned enough points to become a 'life master'.
Since the onset of the 'pandemic' i have played a lot of club games on BBO. I am so happy they are all on line and many of the clubs have welcomed me to their games including my local club the Norma Shelley Studio of Bridge.
I have had many great partners on BBO and always look forward to playing with them. Thanks to their great bridge skills, i have now earned enough points to be a 'bronze' life master.
My BBO picture is one taken at my nephew's home during last year's holiday season. Ryan and Jacob are my great great nephews and Chelsea, their sister, is my great niece. My oldest sister died at a young age and these are her great great grandchildren. They are SOOOOO much fun to be around and although my sister is gone, I am so happy I am still around to enjoy them. They are doing well and an absolute joy.