Letter from a Player

New Bronze Life Master.

October, 2024
By Marian Stark

I learned to play bridge many years ago while I was in college. After college, my husband and I began to play duplicate bridge, and we really enjoyed it. But, after we had children, we weren't able to continue playing competitively, so we took about a 40 year break. After we retired and moved to Florida, I began playing duplicate bridge again, and then, during Covid, my husband began playing again too. Since 2020, we have played a lot of bridge together. We won the District 9 NAP (C Flight) two years in a row, and represented Florida in Reno and again the following year in New Orleans. I became a life master while playing in the NAP in 2023.

Soon after that, we moved to New Jersey, so now we are playing in District 3. I've been closing in on the Bronze rank for a few months, and my goal was to get there this summer. A few weeks ago, I needed .66 points. We played in a local club game and we won .65!! SO close, but not quite there. The following week, I got over the top in a local club game.

I hope I live long enough to get to the next rank!


Marian Stark

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