Thank you for your E–mail on making Sapphire Life Master Status. I am pleased to share my story.
I started playing bridge at the age of fourteen after "Kibitzing" some friends and filling in when one had to leave. Started duplicate at fifteen and was extremely fortunate to have a "fifty five year old golf partner" who turned into my bridge mentor. A better player I have never played with, his name was "Doc" Werner.
Highlights for the next ten years were making Life Master at age 19, the youngest in the capital district at that time. Winning the Edwin Marks trophy for player of the year that same year, and making the finals in the Life Master pairs at the summer nationals twice. When I was 26 I married started a family and retired from bridge with just over 1200 points.
Fast forward forty years and another golf partner found out I used to play bridge and rekindled my interest in playing. Three and a half years ago I began playing online. In 2015 I finished 17th in points won online, and in 2016 I finished 20th. I have played a few tournaments with 1 win at my hometown Regional with Simon Kantor in a pairs event two years ago.
I am retired and have four children and seven grandchildren along with my wife Karen.