Letter from a Player

New Life Master (and Bronze too) started playing in college
August, 2021
By Glenn Salka


I had enough total points so once I got those last Gold I vaulted to both Life and Bronze. I taught myself Bridge, thanks to Charles Goren, in 1972 as a break from cramming for Finals in college. Got my frat brother interested as well. Played quite a bit for a few years after college, then Life got in the way and I basically stopped playing for decades...........although I never stopped reading the newspaper Bridge columns. I resumed in fits and starts over the years, and got serious, again, ust over the last 3 or 4 years. That college friend? He became a Life Master couple of years ago, and it was with him that I went over the top! Sadly, I wish Steve Nellisen was alive to have seen this. He was a great player, and a great man.

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